Market share of Indonesia's freshwater ornamental fish export commodities - fish-hobbyist

Market share of Indonesia's freshwater ornamental fish export commodities

The market share of ornamental fish products illustrates the extent to which an ornamental fish product has succeeded in dominating the market compared to its competitors. The greater the market share, the greater the strength of ornamental fish products in business competition.

In calculating and analyzing the strength of the export market share of ornamental fish products, data on the export value and import value of freshwater ornamental fish commodities in the global market are needed. The calculation of export value data as described in the previous article is for the export value of Indonesian freshwater ornamental fish commodities with HS code 030111 (Live ornamental freshwater fish) in 2023 is US $ 31,807,000, - with a production volume of 1,088 tons.  The import value of Indonesian freshwater ornamental fish in 2023 is US$ 1,381,000 with an import volume of 121 tons (

List of importers for the selected product in 2023.

Product: 030111 Live ornamental freshwater fish

Source :

To determine whether a country has market share power or can seize market share can be calculated using the formula. 

AR = (trend Xij + 100) / (trend Xib + 100) 

AR = Acceleration Ratio
Xij = Export value of ornamental fish commodities to the global market. 
Xib = Import value of ornamental fish commodities in the global market

AR > 1 can seize market share

AR < 1 a country does not have the strength to maintain its market share so that it can cause loss of market share. 

From the calculation results, the AR value is 23.03. This value shows that for Indonesian freshwater ornamental fish commodities in 2023 it has an AR> 1 value, so this explains that freshwater ornamental fish export commodities can seize market share. 

Based on the results of the AR analysis, Indonesia has the strength to maintain its market share so that it cannot cause loss of market share.  When viewed over the last five years, namely from 2019 to 2023, the export value of live ornamental freshwater fish commodities has increased, namely in 2019 by US $ 23,233,000, 2020 by US $ 24,680,000, 2021 by US $ 27,855,000, 2022 by US $ 29,549,000, and in 2023 by US $ 31,807,000, as can be seen in the graph below (

Source :

The types of live freshwater ornamental fish exported by Indonesia include red Arowana, Botia, Koi, goldfish, Siamese fighting fish, Oscar. All of these fish species are popular ornamental fish species cultivated in Indonesia either from the production of fish farmers or from the production of fishing companies in Indonesia. 

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