Environmentally friendly freshwater fish farming - fish-hobbyist

Environmentally friendly freshwater fish farming

In principle, fish farming is the activity of raising fish in a maintenance container that is maintained with the aim of producing something as planned. The fish that are kept are fed regularly and the water quality is also considered so that the fish that are kept remain healthy and comfortable.

This fish farming activity, when viewed from the technology applied, can be divided into three types of business activities, namely traditional fish farming activities, semi-intensive fish farming activities and intensive fish farming activities.


This article will discuss intensive fish farming activities, why because intensive fish farming activities in general will contribute a lot to high levels of pollution to the environment. Some examples that can cause pollution to the environment are waste in the form of materials from fish waste and uneaten fish feed residues that can cause a decrease in water quality.

In intensive fish farming, the use of things like water wheels and blowers can certainly cause environmental disturbances, especially if the energy source as the engine driver is produced from fuel oil which can emit gas that can pollute the surrounding air.

From the explanation above, two important things can be drawn, namely how to deal with waste in the form of fish waste and fish feed residue, then how to deal with or reduce gas that can pollute the surrounding environment.

How to deal with and reduce waste in the form of fish waste and uneaten fish feed residue can be done by installing a water filter equipped with filtering materials that can filter waste residue. This filter is installed in the environment around the fish farm. Then how to reduce or overcome pollution resulting from combustion residue gas is by using more environmentally friendly energy sources, namely by using energy sources from electricity.

This environmentally friendly fish farming can also be done by means of integrated fish farming that utilizes or combines fish farming and vegetable crops, one example of which is catfish farming in a bucket. Fish farming in a bucket is environmentally friendly fish farming in the yard because in fish farming in a bucket we can plant vegetables such as kale which can make the air fresh.

For environmentally friendly fish farming, fish farming is fish farming that applies good fish farming methods. The principles of good fish farming are:

1. choosing the right location.
Fish farming locations must consider the availability of water resources, the availability of natural resources, and accessibility.

2. Pond construction design.
Fish ponds must be well designed to ensure environmental conditions that are suitable for fish life.

3. Selection of superior seeds.
Selecting quality and superior fish seeds for fish farming.

4. Water quality management.
Monitoring and managing water quality such as pH, temperature and water hardness levels.

5. Providing quality feed.
Providing feed according to fish needs and avoiding excessive feeding (overfeeding).

6. Fish health management.
Monitoring fish health, recognizing diseases, and implementing preventive measures against fish pests and diseases.

7. Waste management.
Managing fish farming waste properly so as not to damage the surrounding environment.

8. Monitoring and evaluation.
Continue to monitor and evaluate cultivation performance for continuous improvement.

Thus, I have submitted this short article, hopefully it can be useful for those who read it. Thank you.

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