Competitiveness of Indonesia's live freshwater ornamental fish products - fish-hobbyist

Competitiveness of Indonesia's live freshwater ornamental fish products

Ornamental fish are fish that are kept in maintenance containers, be it aquariums or fish ponds with the aim of being pets or decorations installed at home. Freshwater ornamental fish are ornamental fish that are kept in water that does not contain salt or ornamental fish that are kept and are fish whose habitat is in a freshwater environment.  

The potential of freshwater ornamental fish in Indonesia is quite large. Indonesia is the fifth largest ornamental fish exporting country after Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and Myanmar with an export volume of 1,088 tons of live freshwater ornamental fish in 2023. However, when viewed from the export value for freshwater ornamental fish commodities with HS code 030111, Indonesia is ranked third largest after Japan and Singapore with a value of US $ 31,807,000 in 2023 ( 

List of exporters for the selected product

Product: 030111 Live ornamental freshwater fish


In calculating the competitiveness of an export product, data is needed on how much the export value of the commodity to be calculated in a country, then how much is the total value of non-oil and gas exports in the exporting country and it is also necessary how much the total export value of the commodity is worldwide and how much is the total value of world non-oil and gas exports. 

The value of Indonesia's non-oil exports in 2023 reached US$242,900,000,000 ( In 2023 the total value of world non-oil and gas exports reached US$ 20,136,157,222,000. The export value of the world's freshwater ornamental fish commodity with HS code 030111 is US $ 271,099,000. ( 

The competitiveness of an export product can be calculated using the calculation of the Comparative Advantage Index (Revealed Comparative Advantage - RCA) and RSCA (Revealead Symetric Comparative Advantage). A product is declared competitive if RCA>1, and not competitive if RCA<1. Then for RSCA, a product is said to have competitiveness if the RSCA calculation results have a value above zero, and is said to have no competitiveness if the value is below zero. 

From the results of the analysis and calculation of RCA and RSCA, for freshwater ornamental fish commodities with HS code 030111, the RCA value is 9.7 and the RSCA value is 0.81. Thus the ornamental fish commodity has an RCA value> 1, indicating that freshwater ornamental fish commodities in Indonesia in 2023 have competitiveness. Then for the results of the calculation of RSCA, freshwater ornamental fish commodities have a value above zero this also indicates that for ornamental fish commodities have competitiveness. 

After calculating and analyzing freshwater ornamental fish commodities in Indonesia with HS code 030111 have competitiveness in the international market, this shows that ornamental fish commodities have a competitive advantage, which is able to compete in the market. 

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