This is how to keep Geophagus surinamensis fish in an aquarium - fish-hobbyist

This is how to keep Geophagus surinamensis fish in an aquarium

The Geophagus surinamensis fish, also known as the Red-striped Eartheater fish, is native to South America in Suriname and French Guiana. This fish lives in the waters in the rivers in the country. 

Characteristics of the Geophagus surinamensis fish: 

1. Has horizontal red and blue lines on the body.
2. Has a large black spot in the center of the body.
3. On the fins, the fins are reddish-orange with black edges.
4. The body of Geophagus surinamensis fish is slender with an elongated head.
5. Red and blue markings around the eyes of the fish.

Geophagus surinamensis fish (

Geophagus surinamensis is a bottom-digging fish and uses its downward-curving mouth to filter food from the substrate. This habit of "eating dirt" is what gives this fish the name "Eartheater".

Keeping fish.

Geophagus surinamensis is a freshwater fish that can be kept in aquariums or other freshwater ponds. This time I will explain what things need to be considered when keeping Geophagus surinamensis fish in an aquarium. 

Below are described some of the things we need to consider when keeping Geophagus surinamensis fish in an aquarium, namely: 

1. Maintenance container.

Geophagus surinamensis fish can be kept in an aquarium as a freshwater ornamental fish. This maintenance place is an aquarium with the shape and size adjusted to the age and length of the fish being kept. Generally, to keep ornamental fish using a rectangular aquarium. Then the amount of water needed to fill the aquarium and to keep these fish is 300 liters. 

Water filters and aerators also need to be installed in the aquarium. This water filter is installed with the aim of maintaining the level of water quality so that the aquarium water quality remains optimal and in good condition. Then the aerator is installed to increase dissolved oxygen in the water. 

In addition to water filters and aerators we can install aquarium lights, rocks and aquatic plants. Aquarium lights are installed with the aim of illuminating the aquarium environment and to illuminate the fish so that the aquarium environment and fish can look beautiful. The aquarium lamp used is an aquarium lamp that has a medium level of lighting. while for rocks and aquatic plants installed in the aquarium is to give a natural impression to the aquarium and create aquarium environmental conditions similar to the environment where fish live in nature. 

2. Water quality. 

Water in the aquarium needs to have good quality water quality parameters that are used as indicators to maintain or to check whether the water in the aquarium is good or not, namely the pH of the water, the hardness of the water and the water temperature. The pH value of the water needed to keep Geophagus surinamensis fish is 7 then the value of the water hardness level is 8 and the water temperature is 25 degrees Celsius. 

3. Fish feed.

Geophagus surinamensis fish is an omnivorous fish species. Generally for this type of omnivorous fish we will not find it difficult to determine the type of feed that will be given to the fish. feed for omnivorous fish species can be given artificial feed in the form of pellets. Artificial feed in the form of pellets can be easily found in pet fish shops. 

4. maintenance and care.

Maintenance and care activities are also important activities, these activities consist of activities to maintain the cleanliness of the aquarium. The condition of the aquarium water will decrease over time, this will cause the life of the fish being kept to be disrupted and the aquarium to become dirty. The act of draining the water and cleaning the aquarium is the right action to restore the aquarium water condition to good condition again. 

In nature, Geophagus surinamensis fish reproduce by laying eggs. This fish can grow up to 24 cm in length.  In terms of swimming habits, Geophagus surinamensis fish have the habit of swimming at the bottom of the aquarium, the middle of the aquarium and at the top of the aquarium close to the water surface. 

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