Fish Harvesting - fish-hobbyist

Fish Harvesting

Fish harvesting is the activity of collecting production results from aquaculture activities. In harvesting fish, there are two types of harvesting used depending on the type of fish commodity being raised. The harvesting activities include: 

1. Simultaneous Harvesting.

Simultaneous harvesting is a fish harvesting activity carried out by catching and selling all the fish raised in the pond. The simultaneous harvesting process usually involves draining the pond. For example, for each type of fish, simultaneous harvesting can be applied.

2. Partial harvesting. 

Partial harvesting is a common fish harvesting activity in the enlargement stage, where harvesting is done only on fish of a certain size that are in demand by consumers or the market. For example, in the gourami fish species, partial harvesting can be applied. This harvesting technique is done by partially reducing the volume of water in the rearing pond.

The basic principle that needs to be considered in harvesting fish is that the fish must remain alive after being caught and collected in a container. The level of stress experienced by fish must be minimized so that the chances of fish survival are greater. In the activity of harvesting fish fry, the use of fishing gear materials must use smooth and soft materials. Harvesting fish gently is very important to reduce stress on fish fry.

A good and correct way of harvesting fish is very important to maintain the quality of production and the sustainability of aquaculture. Below are some steps that need to be considered when harvesting fish:

1. Preparation.

Before starting harvesting, make sure everything is ready. Preparation activities at the time of harvesting include preparing fishing gear, containers, and fish storage.

2. Wise Harvesting. 

When catching fish in the pond, do it carefully so that the fish do not experience excessive stress. 

3. Proper Storage.

Once the fish are harvested, they should be immediately transferred to a suitable storage area. Make sure the temperature and humidity in the storage area are suitable for the type of fish being kept.

4. Counting and Marketing Plan.

Counting the number of harvested fish is necessary to measure the level of success in fish farming. Next, plan how the fish will be marketed. Whether the harvested fish will be sold directly or sold through distributors.

5. Evaluation of Harvesting Results.  

Evaluation is done to control and correct shortcomings. This activity is also carried out to calculate the success rate of the business whether the business is worth running or not.

Remember that the basic principle in fish harvesting is to keep the fish alive after capture. The less stress the fish experience, the greater the chance of survival. 

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