Pond preparation management in tilapia enlargement farming - fish-hobbyist

Pond preparation management in tilapia enlargement farming

Pond preparation management is a series of actions taken before starting fish farming in a pond. In order for the production of tilapia aquaculture in ponds to run optimally, it is important to plan pond preparation activities.
In pond preparation for tilapia aquaculture, there are activities that need to be carried out and done so that the main goal of increasing fish production can be achieved. Good fish production results in tilapia farming will not be achieved optimally if the pond preparation process is done carelessly.

liming the pond
These pond preparation activities include soil drying, soil turning, liming, and pond water filling.

A. Soil Drying. 

Pond soil drying is the process of drying the pond bottom soil to break the life cycle of pests and diseases that may have been present in the previous cultivation period. Most pathogenic microorganisms will die with sunlight. 

Soil drying is done after the fishes in the pond are harvested. This is done for 3-4 days until the soil surface is dry and cracked. This activity can be done by closing the water intake channel to prevent water from entering the pond. If the number of ponds is not too large, i.e. only 5-10 ponds, the drying of the pond soil can be done by one person.

In draining the pond soil, other activities can be carried out such as pond cleaning. Cleaning the ponds is done by removing trash and wild plants that grow around the ponds.
B. Turning the soil. 

Pond soil turning is the process of turning over the dried and sun-dried pond bottom soil. The aim is to remove toxic gases that are buried in the soil. These gases can come from residual microorganisms from previous cultivation or from the decay of organic matter in the pond. Turning the soil also helps to loosen the soil and improve the soil structure to make it better for fish growth. Soil turning is usually done during the soil drying process.
Generally, the size of the pond used is not too large, which is 200 M2, so soil turning can be done manually using a hoe. The number of people needed to carry out soil turning activities is sufficient for 2 people. If the weather conditions are good, the pond soil turning activity can be carried out for 1 day.

C. Liming the pond. 

Liming the pond is the process of adding lime to the pond to increase the pH of the soil and water. 
Liming also helps accelerate the breakdown or dissolution of organic matter, reduces biological oxygen demand, increases sunlight penetration, neutralizes the harmful action of certain substances such as sulfides and acids, and indirectly improves the texture of the subsoil above the organic matter. types of lime that can be used for liming tilapia ponds, including CaMg (CO3)2 (dolomite lime) and Ca (CO3)2 (quicklime).
The dosage of lime used in tilapia ponds can vary depending on the condition of the pond and the type of lime used. Here are some examples of lime dosage for fish ponds: 

1. Dolomite lime (CaMg(CO3)2). 
The dosage of dolomite lime used for fish ponds ranges from 0.6 kg/m2 to 1.2 kg/m2.

2. Quicklime (CaCO3).
The dosage of quicklime used ranges from 1,120 - 1,680 kg/ha for new ponds (newly constructed ponds) and 560 - 1,120 kg/ha for old ponds (ponds that have been used for fish farming).

Liming fish ponds can be done by one to two people. Liming can be done by spreading lime evenly on the surface of the pond soil. 

D. Filling the pond water.

After draining the soil, turning the soil and liming the pond, the next activity is filling the pond with water. The source of pond water generally comes from irrigation from the river. Pond water filling is an important aspect of fish farming management. The availability of sufficient and quality water determines the success of fish farming. 

Filling the pond with water is done by opening the inlet and closing the drain in the pond. The duration of filling the pond with water depends on the area of the pond used and depends on how much water enters the pond. This filling activity can be done by 1-2 people. 

Pond preparation in tilapia aquaculture consisting of draining the pond, turning the soil, liming the pond and filling the pond with water needs to be organized in a planned manner with the division of tasks for each pond preparation activity, as well as controlling each activity so that the implementation runs smoothly. 

Evaluation of these activities also needs to be done so that it can be known what obstacles are encountered in the field. With good management of pond preparation, the goal of tilapia enlargement cultivation, namely to increase the amount of fish production, will be easier to achieve

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