Diseases That Can Attack Betta Hendra Fish - fish-hobbyist

Diseases That Can Attack Betta Hendra Fish

Fin/tail rot, white spots, columnaris, and fin biting are among Betta Hendra fish disease. Learn about the cause, symptoms, and best way to treat them.

For aquarium hobbyists, Betta Hendra is somehow fascinating. Not only because this fish is hardy, but it also has a stunning, colorful, and radiant color on flanks and fins. Betta Hendra is originally coming from the wild habitat of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. 

Even though Betta Hendra is strong to be kept in almost every environment, it doesn’t mean that they won’t suffer from any disease. Therefore, you should know common Betta Hendra fish disease that can shorten their lifespan. 

1. Fin and Tail Rot

There are several symptoms when your fish suffers from this common Betta Hendra fish disease. Besides their fins or tail fins are ragged, you’ll see black or red streaking on the edge of the fins. Unless your Betta Hendra suffers severe fin and tail rot, you may not notice their strange behavior.

Fin and tail rot is caused by the poor condition of the water tank. When the water quality is poor, Betta Hendra will have a poor immune system. Therefore, bacteria and fungi are likely to infect them. You can try using Jungle Fungus Eliminator (JFE), Tetracycline, Maracyn, or Melafix to cure this Betta Hendra fish disease.

2. Ick/White Spot

If you find your Betta Hendra darting and starching against your tanks or aquarium and you see white spots looking like grains or salt, your fish has a white spot. Ick comes from a single cell called a Trophont, which is usually carried by other infected fish. Stressed Betta Hendra is more likely contaminated by ick. 

Because ick/white spot is highly contagious, you need to conduct the right treatment quickly. First, change the water thoroughly, including the gravel. Then, slowly increase your water temperature to 86 Fahrenheit. Ick can’t survive from this heat, and they will fall from their host. Turn the tank light off so the ick won’t be able to find the host. Don’t do any water change for 12 to 14 days because it the typical cycle for ick.

3. Columnaris

The common symptoms that may appear are white cotton around the mouth, body, and edge of the fins; saddleback assembles near the dorsal fins, and there are fast gill movements. Columnaris is caused by bacteria that enter the gills or mouths. These bacteria exist due to poor water quality and feeding.

Because columnaris is also highly contagious, you need to make a quick treatment. Do a 50% water change and clean the gravel as well. Quarantine the infected fish in a separated tank that is already given salt and fungus medication. It normally takes five to seven days before columnaris are clearly gone. Clean your tank thoroughly because columnaris can linger in your tank. 

4. Fin Biting

Another Betta Hendra fish disease is fin bitting. Betta Hendra may swim in a circle and bite its fins when suffering from this illness. Besides, your fish will also lose part of its fin overnight. Fin biting is caused by stress, boredom, or out-of-place aggression. 

You can start by moving Betta Hendra into a larger tank. Then, change the aquarium decorations to help them with the boredom. As for the misplaced aggression, you can put a mirror in front of them. However, place the mirror only for several minutes, or else, they might become stressed.

Poor water conditions mostly cause Betta Hendra fish diseases. Therefore, it is important to clean your tank and gravel periodically. If your Betta Hendra shows any symptoms mentioned above, make sure to directly treat them to avoid the disease from killing your fish.

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