Diseases That Can Attack Blue Gourami Fish - fish-hobbyist

Diseases That Can Attack Blue Gourami Fish

Blue Gourami fish disease may vary, but there are some common ones. Although curable, preventing is far better. Now, read the information about what causes dan how to prevent them.

Blue gourami fish is a tropical ornamental freshwater fish commonly found in the market. They are famous because of their cobalt blue color and liveliness. Some say that they are easy to keep, making them suitable for those new to fishkeeping. 

Blue gourami is certainly a stunning fish. However, sick blue gourami will be an unbearable sight for any fish keeper. In a proper aquarium, blue gourami fish disease rarely occurs. Nonetheless, here are a few common ones:

Freshwater Ich

This disease is commonly caused by protozoa named Ichtyopthirius. Freshwater ich is a common blue gourami fish disease, and it appears on their skin as white grain nodules. As the white grain nodules appear, the fish will have other ill signs, such as loss of appetite, cloudy eyes and stays at the bottom of the aquarium. 

To treat them, you need to raise the water temperature by 2 – 4 degrees Celsius, medicate continuously for 14 days, and change the water in between treatments. Another easy method is removing all the fish and cleaning the main aquarium while treating them in another aquarium.

Costia Infection

Costia infection is also an infection caused by protozoa affecting freshwater fishes. One of the symptoms are discolored and cloudy skins. Apart from that, dark blotches usually appear under the scales as infections become severe.

Tail and Fin Rot

This is a bacterial infection that commonly attacks blue gourami fish. Specifically, this disease will discolor and decay the fishes' tail and fins. This happens because bacteria eat up the tails and fins.

For basic measures, antifungal and antibacterial solutions should be added to your aquarium. It will make the aquarium environment to become anti microorganism. Gouramis in common are prone not just from bacterial infection, but also fungal infection. Just add a few proportional drops into your aquarium every time you replace the water and clean your aquarium on a regular basis.

Fish Flukes

This disease is caused by flukes, a parasitic flatworm that stays inside the fish's body. The parasite will make the host pale and weak. The symptoms of a fish infected by flukes are rapid respiration, mucus appears over the gills, scraping against hard surfaces, fins dropping, etc. 

How to Prevent Blue Gourami Diseases

Preventing diseases is always better than treating them. Preventing will save you the effort of curing them. To prevent the diseases mentioned above, it is mostly through your commitment. 

Blue gourami is very resilient; a proper environment and water condition will not make them sick. It all depends on you to provide balanced nutrition and proper aquarium maintenance. Invest in a water test kit, and it will help keep control of the water condition.

In conclusion, blue gourami fish disease is very infectious. Once a fish in an aquarium is infected, the aquarium must be cleaned. Then, the fish should be treated in another aquarium. Changing the aquarium on a regular basis is the core of preventing diseases. As you change the water, remember to put a considerable amount of antifungal and antibacterial solutions!


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