3 Types of Diseases That Can Attack Common Goldfish - fish-hobbyist

3 Types of Diseases That Can Attack Common Goldfish

(Meta description: Looking after common goldfish can be tricky. Common goldfish diseases are plenty. To help you to treat your goldfish, check out these top 3 diseases.)

Looking after your pet also includes treating them well after they get sick. This is the same case with your common goldfish. As delicate creatures in the freshwater, common goldfish diseases can give you quite hard work. They may be hardy, but when they get infected makes another story.

So, what are the types of diseases that can attack common goldfish? These are some of them:

1. White spot disease (Ich).

This common goldfish disease usually strikes new fish that are stressed out from a shipment or ride home.
The cause:
The ich parasites in the water attack the stressed-out goldfish. When your goldfish suffer from the low-immune system, any parasites can hurt them.
The symptoms:
You can see your goldfish covered in something pale or white that looks like a grain of salt.
The treatment:
There is a special salt and heat method to treat white spot disease. If it does not work out after seven days, try Mardel’s Coppersafe. If your common goldfish are in the aquarium, make sure there are no other invertebrates there.

2. Floating problems or swim bladder disease.

Sometimes floating problems do not necessarily mean the same as swim bladder disease. Sometimes they do. To be on the safe side, check with your vet first.
The cause:
You may have overfed your common goldfish. The foods may be poor in quality, or your fish have not got enough fiber in their diet. Your fish may also accidentally swallow air when some pellets just float to the surface.
The symptoms:
Besides their swelling or bloated look on their bodies, watch how they swim. If it is erratic (sideways or upside down), chances are it is the buoyancy problem.
The treatment:
Check if the water quality is good and clean with a special test kit. Once the water is clean, do not feed your goldfish for three days. If the cause is lack of fiber, start feeding them more vegetables after that. Peas are the best choices.

3. Fin rot or tail rot.

The already stressed out goldfish can also suffer from this. Fin rot is a secondary, bacterial infection. Your stressed-out goldfish may also catch this from another diseased fish in the same tank.
The cause:
From the stress itself mixed with other goldfish diseases, unclean water, a too-crowded aquarium or pond, fin-nipping, sudden changes of temperature, and also aggressive tankmates? They all can be the cause.
The symptoms:
Check their fins to see if they are torn, ragged, or full of red streaks. If the fins turn white, that means the bacteria is starting to eat them up. Your goldfish can lose their fins permanently and will not be able to swim well.
The treatment:
Clean the water right away after you test its quality with a special kit. Add one tablespoon of salt to treat the water for every gallon of water. If it stays bad after five days, try with commercial products like Maracyn-Two.
Treat the fins early, so your goldfish get to keep them. Consult with your vet when necessary.
There are actually many more common goldfish diseases. These are the top three.





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