Types of Food to Keep Your Barbus Fish Healthy - fish-hobbyist

Types of Food to Keep Your Barbus Fish Healthy

Description: types of feed barbus fish need consist of fresh and frozen meals. Here is the handy feeding guide you can try.

Barbus fish come in various colors and markings, and generally, have a lifespan of five to seven years. The right types of feed barbus fish love will make them live longer, and you can also keep their brilliant colors intact. Since barbus fish are omnivores, you can combine both animal and plant elements in the diet, even with readily-available fish feed products.

Common Types of Barbus Fish Foods

Variety is the key to complete nutrition for barbus fish. You can combine frozen foods with fresh and live feeds. Here are several common foods you can give to your barbus fish:


Some vegetables are great to provide fish with vitamins and minerals. You should choose vegetables with low starch and oxalate contents, such as cucumbers, zucchinis, broccoli, cauliflowers, and Chinese cabbage. Boil them for several minutes and cut them up after cooling down. Give to your fish these veggie cuts once a week.

Frozen bloodworms

Bloodworms are common protein sources for freshwater aquarium fish. They are easy to find and available at affordable prices. 

Frozen black worms

Frozen black worms are similar to bloodworms, and provide protein for your fish. You can get high-quality frozen black worms at various pet supply stores.

Brine shrimps

Brine shrimps are shrimp larvae cultivated in saltwater, and they contain high-level of protein. Live brine shrimps are recommended to provide protein and mineral for your barbus fish. However, frozen brine shrimps are also available for your convenience.

Grindle worms

Grindle worms are live foods that are ideal for baby fish (fry). You can feed the fry with these worms to give them protein boost since early stage. Grindle worms can be purchased or cultivated at home.


Daphnia is small freshwater crustaceans that often become parts of barbus fish’ natural diets in the wild. You can find frozen or live daphnia at various pet supply stores. 

Some fish owners or breeders give their fish spirulina pellets to provide vitamins and minerals (especially if they don’t have time to prepare boiled vegetable cuts). However, some spirulina pellet products often have very little spirulina in them. Check the label to make sure that spirulina percentage is adequate.

How to Feed Barbus Fish

To prevent waste and pollution, you should feed barbus fish in an amount that they can consume in three to five minutes (you may need to adjust your feeding practice in the first several days). Make sure to clean any leftovers that you see in the tank. Also, vary the food supplies by giving fresh/live foods, frozen foods, and pellets.

Knowing types of feed barbus fish enjoy and proper feeding tactic will make your fish grow happily and healthily in the aquarium.





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