Types of Barbus Fish Diseases - fish-hobbyist

Types of Barbus Fish Diseases

Description: from fin rot to dropsy, here are types of Barbus fish disease that you must be aware of.

Like other freshwater aquarium fish, Barbus fish are also prone to disease. There are various types of Barbus fish disease, with causes that range from water condition to bacteria. Here are several common diseases you may find in Barbus fish, and what possible treatments to use.

1. Fin Rot

Fin rot begins as whitish streaks on the tip of the fins, and slowly spread until the fins become frayed. If the disease is left untreated, it can cause their deaths.  Fin rot is caused by bacteria such as Haemophilus piscium and Pseudomonas fluorescence. Some antibiotics are recommended for this disease, but when the disease becomes more severe, you need to consult with professional and isolate the affected fish.

2. Ichthyophthirius (Ich)

Ich is a common disease caused by a parasite that attacks Barbus fish, especially tiger barbs. This disease results in white spots on the body, fins, gills, and eyes. When left untreated, the diseases will cause fish to rub their bodies against hard surfaces, lose appetite, and become lethargic. Fish owners should use ich medications to treat the entire tank and isolate the fish that have severe symptoms.

3. Cottonmouth

Cottonmouth is a bacterial disease that causes white, fibrous growth on the mouth. If left untreated, this disease can cause clamped fins, lethargy, duller colors, and finally death. Since this disease is contagious, fish owners must isolate the infected fish. Rub salt on the lips of the infected fish (if the infection level is still mild). You can also add salt and methylene blue in the aquarium water.

4. Gas bubble disease

Gas oversaturation in the water causes gas bubble disease. This is usually the result of excessive plants and sunlight in the aquarium, which later affects the saturation level in the fish' blood. Common symptoms include blisters on the skin, especially around the eyes and head. You can prevent this by reducing the numbers of UV ray/sunlight and plant inside the aquarium.

5. Dropsy

Dropsy is a disease caused by several types of bacteria, which result in pale gills, bulging or regressing eyes, red spots on the body, damaged fins, and inflamed anus. Dropsy often attacks fish that live in stressful conditions, such as in dirty water or surrounded by aggressive tank mates. When you see fish with dropsy symptoms, remove and euthanize them. Clean the tank and make sure the living condition is proper for the healthy fish.

Barbus fish are generally sturdy and do not often experience sickness. However, knowing the common types of Barbus fish diseases will help with early identifications once the symptoms appear.




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