Maintenance Techniques of Barbus Fish in the Aquarium - fish-hobbyist

Maintenance Techniques of Barbus Fish in the Aquarium

Description: keeping Barbus fish are great but requiring good management and patience. Here are the maintenance techniques to know.

Barbus fish are favorite among fish hobbyists and breeders because of three things: they are colorful, strong, and active. Keeping Barbus fish in the aquarium is easy, and the fish create an exciting active display of movements. While the fish are easy to find, make sure you create the best habitat for them so that you can enjoy them longer in the aquarium.

Barbus Fish Characteristics

Despite the various types, Barbus fish are active and love socializing. They may gather in a small school and swim in darting movements. They come in various colors, including the striped one called tiger barbs. While most of them are peaceful, Barbus fish tend to nip the fins or tails of the tank mates, especially if the aquarium is crowded.

Different Barbus fish types have diverse characteristics, but generally, the share traits such as:

Medium sizes

Barbus fish are small to medium-sized fish. Depending on the type, these fish can range from 7 to 17 cm as adults.

Peaceful, except tiger barbs

Most of Barbus fish types have mellow, peaceful characteristics. However, tiger barbs are a little aggressive, and the males are known to nip the fins of group members, especially if the fish numbers in the tank are too few.

Live long

Barbus fish generally live longer. The average lifespan of these fish are five years, and this is without any special treatment. If you are a professional fish breeder, your method may extend their lifespans for several more years.

Quick breeding

If you plan to breed the fish, remember that they breed quickly. A female fish can lay 500 eggs or more at once. Make sure you have adequate numbers of tanks to accommodate them.

After understanding the characteristics, make sure you learn about the tank requirements to keep these fish.

Aquarium Characteristics for Barbus Fish

Barbus fish may be strong and sturdy, but they need specific aquarium needs. Here is what you must have in your aquarium to keep these fish:

Provide large tank

Despite the size, Barbus fish are active. Therefore, you need at least a 30-gallon tank to keep these fish. This is to give them space for maneuvering and swimming freely.

Set up the right water

The ideal water for Barbus fish must have 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit temperature (23 to 26 degrees Celsius). The pH must be between 6 and 7.

Vary the foods

Barbus fish, especially tiger barbs, are omnivore animals. You can feed them a mix of vegetables, dried food, pellets, and live foods to keep them healthy. 

Interested in keeping Barbus fish in the aquarium? These requirements will help you rear healthy, brilliant fish at home.


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