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Sciaenochromis ahli

Sciaenochromis ahli, commonly known as the Ahli cichlid, is a vibrant freshwate…

Riccia fluitans

Riccia fluitans, commonly known as floating crystalwort, is a popular choice fo…

Maingano cichlid fish

The Maingano cichlid fish, scientifically known as Pseudotropheus cyaneorhabdos…

Betta macrostoma

Betta macrostoma, commonly known as the Brunei beauty, is a freshwater fish spe…

Freshwater Fish Species with Cultivation Potential

Freshwater fish are species that inhabit rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams, dis…

Channa Barca fish feed management

Channa Barca, commonly known as the Barcapike or the Giant Snakehead, is a spec…

chana yellow sentarum fish

Channa maru, commonly known as the yellow sentarum, is a species of fish that c…